2 oz. Light Brown Medium Starbond CA Glue
Starbond BR-150 Brown Medium, Premium Colored CA - Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Super Glue Plus Extra Cap and Microtips (for Woodworking, Filling Knots & Voids in Light Colored Wood) (2 Ounce)
Difference Between Super Glue and CA Glue: Super glue, cyanoacrylate, and CA glue are all different names that describe the same instant adhesive. Various user groups adopt different names for them. For instance, woodworkers, model-builders, serious hobbyists and skilled crafting pros use terms like cyanoacrylate adhesive or CA glue. Commercially, most know the adhesive as superglue.
Starbond BR-150 Brown Medium CA glue is an ethyl cyanoacrylate brown tinted super glue. This brown CA adhesive is an excellent all-around adhesive that carries the ability to penetrate narrow slots, bond closely-fitted parts, and fill small gaps. It is a general purpose adhesive that dries light amber in color, eliminating the need to use sawdust with CA glue for filling voids. Therefore, pairing with light-colored wood is recommended. Starbond BR-150 Brown Medium CA glue is used for inlays, repairing cracks in wood, and as a high gloss finish.
Used For:
Accenting designs on spalted wood
Blending into similarly colored surfaces
Repairing and filling cracks, inclusions, voids, and knots in wood
Gluing and repairing guitar inlays on the headstock, body, and fretboard
Compatible With:
Gem stones
Rocks & Minerals
Carbon Fiber
Most Plastics